It is vital that children are playing football in a safe and positive environment that is free from harm. Please visit FAW Safeguarding for more information
It is everyone's responsibility to safeguard the welfare of children. Those who are working or volunteering directly with children and young people in football need to have an FAW Enhanced Disclosure.
The Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) is now known as the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS).
With DBS there are now 2 levels of checks in place (Enhanced check for Regulated Activity and an Enhanced DBS check). To establish which level of check is required for your role and to obtain a DBS application form, please contact your Club Safeguarding Officer.
Buffer zones alongside all Junior football pitches both mini football and competitive football are mandatory for all games.
Only coaches and first aiders are allowed within the buffer zones.
All parents, relatives and other spectatators MUST remain behind the buffer zone.
NO spectators are allowed to stand behind the goal.
FA Wales code of conduct for all those involved and watching junior/youth football. Stamp out bad touchline behaviour. Download the code of conduct here:
Code of Conduct for Young Players